If you are having issues with paying your credit card bills and you’re finding that your debt keeps growing, our credit card debt lawyers at SM Law Group, APC may have a solution for you. Our attorneys have years of experience handling debt negotiation and credit card issues, and can devise ways to clear up your particular debt problems before they become worse.
We understand that many people go through difficult times due to no fault of their own, such as:
Know that you are not alone. We have helped many people just like you find a solution to resolve their credit card debts, whether it is through bankruptcy or a non-bankruptcy option.
If you are having problems with creditors, you should first check that the debt is still something that can be collected. In California, there is a cap on the time period for collecting past debts, known as the statute of limitations.
Credit card companies have four years to file a lawsuit against you to collect your debts. Once that time passes, they lose the right to sue you for your debts. The statute of limitations begins the day that you accrue the debt, which is usually missing a payment.
Bankruptcy may be an option. When you file bankruptcy, it can be via Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13. The benefits are that when filing a Chapter 7, you’re able to have all of your debts cleared up from your account right away. While the process itself may take a few months, you won’t have to worry about paying unsecured debts back and this could help you to get a fresh start in life.
Worried about your credit report, or worried that a judgment will end up looking badly on your record because it may result in a wage garnishment? Our attorneys focus on debt negotiations and can help to set up a plan with your creditors or file for bankruptcy to immediately stop all harassing calls as well as any garnishments trying to take money out of your account.
Sometimes people are hit with a very large health scare and following that they receive a lot of medical bills. While they try to balance out the bills, they’re not able to pay other bills in a timely fashion. If you need more time to make payments with your credit card debt, we can also help you set up the negotiations in terms of a trust – that way, you can deposit money into the account to make payment and we can send them on your behalf. As this will help to reach a settlement in a quicker fashion, you don’t have to worry about harassing calls coming to you. To set up any of these options or to ask us questions as they relate to you, and to set up your free consultation, contact us today.
Kian Mottahedeh is also a partner at SM Law Group, APC. He has successfully worked to ensure he negotiates the best terms for his clients and has assisted with over 1,500 settlement cases as they relate to bankruptcy filings, Chapter 7, and Chapter 13 negotiations. He has also helped to ensure that his customers are able to keep their homes and have judgments removed.
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